

[SBS Star] HAHA Reveals that Song Ji-hyo Looks Almost like a Homeless …

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[SBS Star] HAHA Reveals that Song Ji-hyo Looks Almost like a Homeless Person on Her Usual Days

Singer HAHA jokingly revealed that actress Song Ji-hyo looks almost like a homeless person on her usual days. 

On April 20, a new YouTube channel "HEMEKO SHOW" released a video featuring HAHA, Song Ji-hyo and model Jung Hyuk. 

Since this video featured Song Ji-hyo and Jung Hyuk turning into hair and makeup stylists, HAHA, sporting a disapproving expression, turned to Song Ji-hyo and remarked, "Are you sure about this?"

With a playful tone, he added, "Seriously though, do you even know how to do makeup? You always have this homeless person vibe going on."

Glancing at Jung Hyuk, he continued, "And her hairstyle, it's always like that of a homeless person, you know."

[SBS Star] HAHA Reveals that Song Ji-hyo Looks Almost like a Homeless Person on Her Usual Days

After a shared chuckle, Jung Hyuk came to Song Ji-hyo's defense, saying, "She's a work in progress, she'll get better with time."

Then, Song Ji-hyo questioned HAHA, "But didn't you come to our salon today because you've heard good things about it?"

Surprised, HAHA replied, "What? Who told you that? I only came here because I was worried about the salon. It's concern that brought me here today, nothing else."

[SBS Star] HAHA Reveals that Song Ji-hyo Looks Almost like a Homeless Person on Her Usual Days

As HAHA signed his autograph for the salon after that, he left a note beneath it for Song Ji-hyo, saying, "Ji-hyo, pay more attention to what you wear from now on."

The production team then revealed that during the pre-shoot meeting for the show, Jung Hyuk arrived fully made up, while Song Ji-hyo in fact appeared with minimal makeup and in all-black casual attire; they almost could not recognize her. 

About this, HAHA commented, "Song Ji-hyo actually goes around like that. She really doesn't care much about her appearance. So, when I heard she's opening a salon, I couldn't help but worry."

On this particular day, Song Ji-hyo and Jung Hyuk amused everyone by giving HAHA the most hilarious "dirty sexy" look. 

(Credit= '헤메코쇼 HEMEKO SHOW' YouTube) 

(SBS Star) 

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